On set with DivaRockerGlam

Demetria and I were also blessed to be able to work with Cindy Rocker of DivaRockerGlam. You guys really have to check out her furniture it literally screams those three words in each piece.
Here's some pictures from set from thursday. The final pictures should be finished soon, So keep a look out on www.someday2runway.com and my facebook page.
This was a very fun shoot to work on the team is so Kreative and always come up with crazy ideas. We used a few props in this shoot so hopefully everyone enjoys the final pictures.

Check out everyones twitter's and websites they are all listed below:
Photography: @KreativeVueTV http://www.youtube.com/user/kreativevuetv
Cindy Rocker: @divarockerglam http://divarockerglam.com/